Codementor has adopted new colours and technology!I hope this message finds you well. It has been a while since my last update,Mar 3, 20231Mar 3, 20231
How to unzip (open) GZ file in Ubuntu — codementor.techFor full story or any other technical content please visit : CodeMentorJun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021
Using Laravel Passport to authenticate client to access your API-CodeMentorThe client credentials grant for machine-to-machine authentication.Jun 10, 20211Jun 10, 20211
Configure WordPress CRON Job for Your Website! — ProgrammingSchoolFor full article please visit ProgrammingSchool.ioMay 14, 2019May 14, 2019
Unable to install “package-name”: snap “package-name” has “install-snap” change in progressPlease read full story @programmingSchool.ioMay 3, 20199May 3, 20199
How to Install LEMP on Ubuntu 19.04 and 18.04Please read full story @ ProgrammingSchool.ioMay 2, 2019May 2, 2019
How to Integrate Segment Data Analytics into WordPress? — ProgrammingSchoolIn this article, We are going to explain “HOW YOU CAN INTEGRATE SEGMENT DATA ANALYTICS TO YOUR WORDPRESS SITE ?”Jan 9, 2019Jan 9, 2019
Solved: Error “Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’” of MySql — Programming SchoolThis is just a summary. For full specification please refer to THIS link.Nov 20, 20183Nov 20, 20183
Install Magento 2.x on Ubuntu 18.04 with Nginx, MariaDB, PHP 7.1 — Programming SchoolThis is just a small explanation about install magento 2.x on ubuntu 18.04. For full article please go through THIS article. Thank You.Oct 24, 20182Oct 24, 20182
Send SMS From Android ApplicationThis is just overview. If you want to read full article please follow THIS link.Oct 10, 2018Oct 10, 2018